Excellence of Patience and Gratefulnes
ক্যাটাগরি : আত্মশুদ্ধি ও অনুপ্রেরণা
লেখক : আল্লামা ইবনুল কায়্যিম জাওযিয়্যাহ রহ
প্রকাশনী : দারুস সালাম
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The book is English translation of “Uddat al-Sabirin wa Zakhirat al-Shakirin” by Ibn Qayyim. It highlights the need and importance of two key qualities: patience and gratefulness that can help us go through the ups and downs of life with grace. The writer has compiled plenty of advices in light with Quran, Sunnah and Islamic History. The original Arabic text was written around 600 years ago but the content still matters; hence, being presented with English Translation by Darussalam.
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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo, unde nulla consectetur aut vero et. Eaque, odit ea reprehenderit voluptates, doloribus excepturi illum ducimus repellat explicabo hic dolores blanditiis nemo!
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